News & info on auto glass and windshield repair
Dose Mosture affect the repair quality of the repair
Moisture definitely impacts the quality of the repair. For Rock chip repair or crack repair. The repair needs to be dry at least 2 to 3 hours prior to a rock chip repair, depending on temps. The colder the temp, the longer it needs. A hot day after some rain could be little as an hour.
For crack repair, it may take a little longer, like 3-4 hours before the crack is dry enough.
What can I do to keep it dry leading up to a windshield repair appointment?
Few Options
Keep in a covered area like a garage or a carport
Rock chips, you can put a piece of packaging tape over it.
Tape a plastic bag or a piece of plastic over it with clear packaging tape all sealing all the edges and put some paper towel inside over the repair to keep the condensation from getting in the rock chip repair.
Tape a plastic bag or a piece of plastic over it with clear packaging tape all sealing all the edges and put some paper towel inside over the repair to keep the condensation from getting in the crack repair.
Keep in a covered area like a garage or a carport for keeping the repair dry for best results.
Do Rock Chip Claims Impact My Insurance Rates? Insurance Agency Weighs In.
We’ve all seen the tents around claiming, “Free rock chip repair!” but clearly there is a hidden cost somewhere. Sure, the insurance companies will pay the people at the tent to inject an epoxy into the chip in hopes that it doesn’t run and turn into a non-repairable crack. After all the insurance company clearly sees that 50.00 is better than the $250 to have the windshield replaced.
So the question is: Can a rock chip claim impact my insurance rates? The short answer is typically no, but it is possible.
Depending on your insurance company, you may upset a delicate balance of claims loss. Most insurance companies use rating factors in their algorithms such as zip code and certainly previous losses. Some insurance companies claim that people who turn in multiple glass claims have an overall higher loss rate and cost them more money in future claims. Furthermore, it depends on how many claims you have over a certain period of time. For instance, if you file a theft claim, then you have a rock chip claim the next week, this may flag your policy for filing too many insurance claims over a certain period of time generating a rate increase. This happens because when you stop at a rock chip repair tent or call a mobile repair company t that comes to your home, they will ask you for your policy number and turn in an insurance claim, so they can get paid (if you have comprehensive insurance).
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Or give us a call to schedule an appointment, at 385-219-9100
Rock Chip Repairs & What To Expect
The windshield repair technician’s primary goal is to keep the damage from cracking further, resulting in the need for a more costly windshield replacement. A quality repair performed by an experienced technician should leave the windshield 100% structurally restored to pre-damaged condition. The cosmetic result, however, will depend on a multitude of factors.
1. The extent of the damage.
Typically, but not always, the more extensive the damage, the more visible the result will be. While glass can be repaired 100% structurally, it will usually repair 75-80% cosmetically. Fractured glass, even when repaired, will no longer refract light the way it did before it was damaged. Also, when the rock hits, it shatters the surface glass and propels it inward. This too, can lead to a more visible repair.
2. The length of time the damage has been there.
A rock chip treated soon after it occurs will almost always look much better than one that has been there for months or even years. The impact of a rock or debris that has caused windshield damage, leaves an open hole into the windshield. This entry point allows dirt, debris, and moisture to accumulate over time, and it is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove. I often advise customers to cover the rock chip with a piece of clear packing tape (the kind used to ship a package) immediately after the rock chip occurs. This helps to effectively keep anything from getting into the damaged area.
3. Miscellaneous Circumstances.
Often vehicle owners will try to treat rock chips with “home remedies” and do-it-yourself kits. Common home remedies include: Crazy Glue, clear nail polish, and Gorilla Glue. None of them work, and most often they ruin the windshield. The technician can’t get the glue out of the rock chip and so there is no way to complete the repair process. I call do-it-yourself kits, “one shots.” On a very superficial rock chip with no complications, the home repair kits will sometimes take care of it. You only get one chance (“one shot”) though with a do-it-yourself kit. If it works on the first try, you have lucked out. Most often, however, a rock chip repair requires several fill and vacuum cycles. Resin is injected and then air, dirt and debris is removed, and then another pressure cycle to add more resin, etc. Sometimes this procedure is repeated three or even four times before the repair is completed. Only professional windshield repair tools will allow for this. Windshield repair is not one of those things you can “just do.” You have to know what you are doing or you risk irreparable damage.
Often customers show up thinking that their primary goal is to save their windshield, and the secondary goal is how the windshield will look once it is repaired. After the repair, we often find that the cosmetic result was actually more important to the customer than saving the windshield was.
In short, what can you expect from a windshield repair? A technician should only accept the job if they feel the repair can be completed successfully. This means that the technician has determined that the result will leave the windshield 100% structurally restored. The customer should expect that small, superficial damage will appear approximately 75-80% better cosmetically once it has been repaired. That’s it. While larger, more extensive damage sometimes falls into that 75-80% range, there is no guarantee that it will. If the visible, cosmetic result of more extensive damage is not something you are prepared to live with, you are not a candidate for a windshield repair, You are more likely looking for a windshield replacement.
Will my Insurance pay for my Chipped or small crack In Windshield??
If you have comprehensive coverage and your glass claim is covered, then chances are you are covered for a cracked windshield.
Insurers are often willing to cover glass repairs, and for good reason.
The windshield is one of your car's primary safety features, right up there with seat belts and airbags. If you notice a ding - or worse, a long crack -it's worth taking care of it right away!!
Your car insurance company will likely be happy to pick up the tab for repairs just to prevent the break from getting worse, which it will. Without raising your rates. No deductibles required.
The importance of getting your windshield repaired
That little star break in your windshield. If not taken care of in a timely matter it can spread to this. This is beyond repair. At this point, it needs a windshield replacement. Winter is upon us, chips and cracks spread a lot quicker this time of year. If you do have a chip on your windshield or a small little crack. Get it repaired ASAP. A windshield can be repaired between 10 minutes and 20 minutes. Depending on the type of repair. Most insurance companies Will repair the break or chip for free. It's
Cheaper for them to repair than to replace. It will not raise your rates. When warming your car up in the morning warm it up slow. Don't slam your doors too hard. Avoid rough roads.