Rock chip repair Taylorsville, Utah


Taylorsville, Utah, Zip 84123

Windshield repair, for rock chip repair. $40.00 for the 1st rock chip repair & 30.00 for each additional chip repair, on the same vehicle.

We service anything east of 2700 West and south of 700 North. And north of 6200 south.

.We are happy to meet you somewhere in our service area to repair a windshield.

Crack repair, up to 18 inches in length Ranges from $75.00 to 135.00, borders are 2700 west 6200 south.

The repair must remain moisture-free at least 2–3 hours before the appointment. If I have to reschedule for moisture, there's a $30 reschedule fee on top of the normal price. Causes for this may include, Frost, snow, rain, and car wash.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or text during normal hours at 385-219-9100